Monday, August 31, 2015

Social Media Rising

Real Time Marketing & PR Chapter 1-2

What struck me about these chapters was the immediacy of what happened. Within days of Dave Carroll posting his first video both Calton Cases and Taylor Guitars had responded in appropriate ways. When talking to my grandmother about it over the weekend, it was interesting as I tried to explain what social media and news had evolved into. My grandmother grew up in a time where news traveled slowly so the concept of real-time was very different for her. 

I explained that my generation was very much about instant information. We don't like to wait around for our information. If something happens we want to know the information in real time. Because of this news tends to become old news within hours. 

If a company doesn't respond to something that is posted on social media it can be devastating for the company or organization. It can cause customers or potential customers to not receive answers to questions or it can prevent problems from being solved. This can turn customers away or prevent new customers from choosing that company.

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